How do I make sure that word converts the right version of my document to PDF?



When I tried to save my word document to a PDF, it created a PDF version of my document successfully with one caveat: it reverted to an older version of my word document. In other words, all the edits I made in a session were not there when I converted to PDF.


Given the situation above, how do I force the convert to PDF feature to have my new changes?


Posted 2019-07-09T15:30:11.327

Reputation: 133

1Did you save the file before converting? – DavidPostill – 2019-07-09T15:32:07.333

I did save the file. – isakbob – 2019-07-09T15:38:39.223

1Are you using tracked changes? If so you might need to accept all the changes first. – Mokubai – 2019-07-09T15:43:10.730

I am not using tracked changes. – isakbob – 2019-07-09T15:48:32.400

Is this problem recurring or did it just happen once? (i.e. have you tried to save a PDF again and was the result the same?) – cybernetic.nomad – 2019-07-09T17:49:35.240

You shouldn't have to do anything specific. All you are doing is using a built-in feature within Word to save the document as a PDF. – Ramhound – 2019-07-09T18:35:13.890

If you saved and closed the document, then opened it again, verified that the changes were there, and then converted to PDF, there would need to be something seriously wrong for it to convert an old version. You shouldn't need to jump through those hoops, but If that does the job correctly, it means there was some glitch in the process when you did it before, and that would be hard to diagnose now. First step, try to replicate the problem in a meticulous way. – fixer1234 – 2019-07-09T20:36:43.823



My only guess is that you believe that resaving your Word document should automatically apply your changes to the PDF. If that's the case, here are 3 ways to convert the Word document to PDF.

Option 1: File | Print | select Microsoft Print to PDF

Option 2: File | Save As | select your Save location. In the "save as type" drop-down, select PDF

Option 3: File | Export | select Create a PDF/XPS Document

If you make changes to your Word document, you'll need to repeat one of the above options again to update the PDF document because the changes aren't transferred to the PDF document automatically.


Posted 2019-07-09T15:30:11.327

Reputation: 48


Don't use File | Save As, use File | Export | Create a PDF/XPS Document | Options (set options) | Publish.


Posted 2019-07-09T15:30:11.327

Reputation: 6 962