AdonisJS PATH setup OSX


I've downloaded adonisJS to my computer, for first time it gave me an access error, so I followed some intstructions and I made a new .npm-global folder to be able to download/store Adonis.

It works almost perfectly, there is one problem, if I want to make AdonisJS commands it doesn't let me do it until I insert a path to the bin folder of .npm-global folder via this line of code: export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH. without and with this line of "code"

I've read that I am supposed to put this line of code inside of a texteditor and name it .profile, I've done it but I am not sure where to place this file.

So my question is how should I get it work?

Düsüngülü Tibor

Posted 2019-07-09T12:05:29.200

Reputation: 3

Bash Startup Files (Bash Reference Manual) – DavidPostill – 2019-07-09T12:14:57.287

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