How to configure apt in Debian Buster after release



I currently run Debian Buster on my computer as testing. Now that Buster has become stable, how should I update my system?

Specifically, how do I configure /etc/apt/sources.list?

Currently, it looks like this:

# deb cdrom:[Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 9.9.0 xfce 2019-04-27T10:47]/ stretch main
# deb cdrom:[Official Debian GNU/Linux Live 9.9.0 xfce 2019-04-27T10:47]/ stretch main

deb buster main
deb-src buster main
deb buster/updates main
deb-src buster/updates main

#stretch-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
deb buster-updates main
deb-src buster-updates main

And when I run sudo apt-get update I get this output:

Ign:1 stretch InRelease
Get:2 buster/updates InRelease [31.1 kB]
Get:3 buster InRelease [118 kB]                  
Get:4 stretch Release [118 kB]
Get:5 buster-updates InRelease [46.8 kB]
Get:6 stretch Release.gpg [2,434 B]
Reading package lists... Done          
E: Repository ' buster/updates InRelease' changed its 'Suite' value from 'testing' to 'stable'
N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.
N: Repository ' buster InRelease' changed its 'Version' value from '' to '10.0'
E: Repository ' buster InRelease' changed its 'Suite' value from 'testing' to 'stable'
N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.
E: Repository ' buster-updates InRelease' changed its 'Suite' value from 'testing-updates' to 'stable-updates'
N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.
E: Repository ' stretch Release' changed its 'Suite' value from 'stable' to 'oldstable'
N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.

Update: I ran sudo apt update and had this dialog with the update manager:

geoff@geoff-debian:/etc/apt$ sudo apt update
Get:1 buster InRelease [118 kB]
Get:2 buster/updates InRelease [31.1 kB]                
E: Repository ' buster/updates InRelease' changed its 'Suite' value from 'testing' to 'stable'
N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.
Do you want to accept these changes and continue updating from this repository? [y/N] y
Get:3 buster-updates InRelease [46.8 kB]                                                 
Ign:4 stretch InRelease                                                                     
Get:5 stretch Release [118 kB]                                                              
Get:6 buster/updates/main Sources [1,688 B]                                   
Get:7 stretch Release.gpg [2,434 B]                                                         
Get:8 buster/updates/main amd64 Packages [1,448 B]                            
Get:9 buster/updates/main Translation-en [1,364 B]                            
N: Repository ' buster InRelease' changed its 'Version' value from '' to '10.0'           
E: Repository ' buster InRelease' changed its 'Suite' value from 'testing' to 'stable'
N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.
Do you want to accept these changes and continue updating from this repository? [y/N] y
E: Repository ' buster-updates InRelease' changed its 'Suite' value from 'testing-updates' to 'stable-updates'
N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.
Do you want to accept these changes and continue updating from this repository? [y/N] y
E: Repository ' stretch Release' changed its 'Suite' value from 'stable' to 'oldstable'      
N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.
Do you want to accept these changes and continue updating from this repository? [y/N] y
Fetched 171 kB in 1min 6s (2,594 B/s)                                                                                    
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
159 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.

Is this fine? I am particularly concerned with the old-stable message. Am I supposed to have this repository still?


Posted 2019-07-07T10:14:57.040

Reputation: 303

Unfortunately, I cannot test the answers below, because I had to reinstall Debian for some other reasons. However, I accepted @alex-stragies answer, because it had the most votes. – geoff – 2019-07-11T17:38:52.537

We want answers that work, not popular answers. Because you can no longer test solutions to this problem, and you were not able to find a solution, this question should be closed. – music2myear – 2019-07-15T02:45:20.100

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because OP had to perform a work around and is not able to test solutions. The marked answer is the popular answer and cannot be verified in this situation. – music2myear – 2019-07-15T02:46:19.893

@music2myear, ordinarily, I'd agree with your close reason. In this case, though, the problem isn't unique to the OP. It's a standard process, documented by Debian. The OP just wasn't familiar with it. Even though the OP can't confirm what worked for them, the question and answers will be applicable to other users. – fixer1234 – 2019-07-16T08:04:55.500

@music2myear, I have unmarked the accepted answer. – geoff – 2019-07-16T12:14:13.463

@music2myear I wrote that answer, after I myself had the exact same problem, and the command I posted solved it for several of my machines. I just didn't mention it in the post. – Alex Stragies – 2020-01-07T17:38:52.957



tl;dr : run once apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change

What happens here, is that the local apt database remembered your package-sources "release-information" to be "busterAsTesting", and when updating now "busterAsStable" is returned.

This results in the error, and the indication, that you need to "allow the change of the release version information".

Luckily, apt-get has an option for that, aptly named allow-releaseinfo-change

When running apt-get with this option, it notices -as without- the version discrepancy (the N:-lines), but now accepts it as told to do, and then updates the local database.

Alex Stragies

Posted 2019-07-07T10:14:57.040

Reputation: 1 320


  1. open synaptic
  2. in menu select settings-->repositories
  3. in tabs uncheck everything
  4. close the tabs and let it make the update
  5. open again the repositories dialog and check everything you want
  6. close the tabs and update again and it is OK


Posted 2019-07-07T10:14:57.040

Reputation: 31

This worked for me! – user1059517 – 2019-07-08T20:39:40.420


I suggest using

apt update --allow-releaseinfo-change

This was because apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change did not work for me.

I cant comment on the accepted answer above. So if all else fails, use my answer.


Posted 2019-07-07T10:14:57.040

Reputation: 111


Run apt update and accept changes (type y each time when asked). It will made all required changes.

Volodymyr Bodenchuk

Posted 2019-07-07T10:14:57.040

Reputation: 9

The OP says to have already done apt update. This is not going to change anything to the situation, an edit of /etc/apt/sources.list seems to be necessary here. – Ale – 2019-07-11T12:05:00.043


This is not a "problem" nor is there any reason to run synaptic and mess around or change sources.list. It is also not bug.

apt clearly explains what is going on.

All that needs to be done is accept the changes.


Posted 2019-07-07T10:14:57.040

Reputation: 1