Stuck with solr su password after fresh install


I successfully installed solr 8.1.1 on my Debian 8 server as a service and created user solr as per guide . Now I would like to create a core but if I try to su solr I am asked for a password I don't know (I probably should have read more carefully the output of the install, but I had an error and focused on it instead). Can I simply change the password to a service user? I bet I am missing somthing basic here as a noob to solr, but I cannot run solr as sudo and I am stuck.


Posted 2019-07-06T10:19:55.980

Reputation: 101

I decided to sudo -u solr instead of su and it worked... still wondering why most tutorials only shows su solr – Lila – 2019-07-06T11:18:49.220

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