Errors while building a DACPAC Solution


I am trying to implement DACPAC deployments. I have oaded the source database and all the reference databases into the Visual Studio solution. However, I am getting too many error when I am trying to build the solution. For example, you can see the error associated to the below stored procedure[Extract].[p_extract_NitrofillClaims_PA]. However, there is nothing wrong with the procedure code/syntax-wise. I works as expected when I run it in the database.

What I would like to know is that is it mandatory for all the database objects in the code to have their schema name included, including the objects in the dbo schema?

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error SQL71501: Procedure: [Extract].[p_extract_NitrofillClaims_PA] contains an unresolved reference to an object. Either the object does not exist or the reference is ambiguous because it could refer to any of the following objects: [dbo].[scs_contract_types].[contractTypes]::[icontract_type_id], [dbo].[scs_contract_types].[icontract_type_id], [dbo].[scs_plan_definition].[contractTypes]::[icontract_type_id] or [dbo].[scs_product_types].[contractTypes]::[icontract_type_id]. scs_warehouse_fias__DACPAC_SK c:\users\sindhur.kalakonda\source\repos\scs_warehouse_fias__DACPAC_SK\scs_warehouse_fias__DACPAC_SK\Extract\Stored Procedures\p_extract_NitrofillClaims_PA_1.sql 69

Arun Mahala

Posted 2019-07-05T10:40:17.587

Reputation: 1

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