Rsync + SSH + Cygwin64 don't work (Ok with Cygwin 32bits)



First of all, sorry for my bad english, I do not speak well this language.

I have been using rsync (v3.1.1) + ssh for several years, from cygwin (32 bits), as a stand-alone program, directly from the Windows command line. It works perfectly, with command lines like this:

rsync.exe --info=progress2 -h -rlt --chmod=a=rw,Da+x --delete --delete-excluded -v --no-i-r -z --compress-level=9 -e "./ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o Compression=no -p 22 -i 'myKeyFile'" --password-file="myRsyncPasswordFile" "/cygdrive/C/mySourcePath/" "login@rsyncServer::myRsyncModule/myBackupFolder/"

I wanted to use the binaries compiled in 64 bits of Cygwin, and there, it does not work anymore (I kept the same version of rsync: v3.1.1). Rsync always asks for the SSH password instead of using the private key, and the password is not recognized.

Specifically, the following command works very well:

./ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o Compression=no -p 22 -i 'myKeyFile' login@rsyncServer

But not the rsync command with ssh inside "-e" parameter.

Would anyone have an idea of the origin of this problem?

I remember that the goal is to use it in standalone mode, without the need to install cygwin on the PC (and it works very well in 32 bits)

David M.

Posted 2019-07-01T23:04:20.850

Reputation: 1

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