Visual Studio Code React Native IntelliSense not working


As the title states: Visual Studio Code React Native IntelliSense is not working. I have installed all the possible extensions for React Native and followed many suggested steps to fix the issue, but none of them helped. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the VSCode with a fresh download.

Installed extensions:

EDIT: Steps I have already tried: --npm install typings -g and then typings install dt~react-native (I had to delete --global,because it threw an error saying to drop it) --changing the jsconfig.json and tsconfig.json --installed this:

In VSCode at the bottom the language is set to JavaScript. Also Intellisense didn't work for typescript as well.


Posted 2019-06-25T17:26:21.097

Reputation: 1

it would be helpful for you to include the steps you've already tried in your question – mael' – 2019-06-25T18:12:31.523

@mael' I have edited my question,please take a look at it. – Bojke – 2019-06-26T10:48:48.593



I have solved it. I have completely uninstalled VSCode following this:


Posted 2019-06-25T17:26:21.097

Reputation: 1