How to have RDP work right after rebooting?


I have a Windows machine which I run headless (no monitor or keyboard). I control it by Remote Desktop. But whenever it reboots (for Windows updates and such), the RDP won't work until I log in physically. It's annoying; any way to have the RDP client (or whatever is necessary to enable remote login) start immediately on boot-up? Another option is to have it log me in as a user automatically, and I may do that (the computer is in my home and so under physical control) but it's not ideal - would be safer I guess to just have it run RDP and force the user to present credentials, rather than simply logging in into an account. How to make that happen?


Posted 2019-06-21T10:20:45.757

Reputation: 33

This can be achieved with Teamviewer. But i'm not sure acout RDP. I believe you'll need to have the user account automatically login. – NiallUK – 2019-06-21T11:02:10.597

1@NiallJones: The odd thing about this problem is that RDP always performs the login on its own (unlike Teamviewer/VNC/etc, which have to use an existing login). – user1686 – 2019-06-21T11:03:46.763

@grawity you're right. I didn't think of that. – NiallUK – 2019-06-21T11:04:48.493

The problem isn't with RDP. It is always available automatically... In fact, it's possible to connect via RDP to a machine before logon is possible. It's likely that logging in at the console is changing something with your network connectivity, ie connecting you to a user-based 802.1x authenticated network, or loading an internet filtering application etc. What do you have on the machine that's blocking inbound connections until you logon? – I say Reinstate Monica – 2019-06-21T11:29:04.250

You should be able to login to the console rather than on user level, which is the failsafe way. Connect to your ip address and append /admin. For example: server address: /admin – LPChip – 2019-06-21T18:20:23.643


Connect to your ip address and append /admin. For example: server address: /admin - ah, so in the RDP client application, where it asks me for the IP address of the host, I can append /admin and it will work even if no one logged on yet after a reboot?

– mlevin77 – 2019-06-21T20:18:23.940



Set the service "Remote Desktop Services" startup type to automatic ?

For Automatic Login you can set directly in the registry:

Navigate to or create this folder:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Create 3 REG_SZ keys

 - AutoAdminLogon set to 1
 - DefaultUserName set to <username>
 - DefaultPassword set to <password>

You may need DefaultDomainName set if it's on a domain.

If you have enterprise you can set these in Group Policy objects here:

Computer Configuration > Preferences > Windows Settings > Registry


Posted 2019-06-21T10:20:45.757

Reputation: 359