Install Java 8 on Amazon Linux 2018.03 version without upgrading the Java 7 on the server


I would like to install latest stable version of Java 8 available through the normal package installation mechanism on Amazon Linux 2018.03 machine. Java 8 should not become the default Java. The default version should stay as-is. Java 8 will be used by setting the appropriate configuration to reference it.

Please let me know how I can configure. Thanks in advance.


Posted 2019-06-16T23:22:10.463

Reputation: 1



What you want to do is to install Java 8 in $HOME rather than in /usr. This is always a good practice because, if you mess up, you can just rm -rf ~/.local, and it's no-harm/no-foul on the box. On the other hand, if you mess up inside /usr or equivalent, then you have a whole different set of issues.

Please specify which OS you're on (I guess it's either Ubuntu or CentOS.) In the former case, download the .deb package for Java 8 and follow this guide to installing it in $HOME. After that, you can set an environment variable to set your default Java to that one locally within that environment, but not globally.

If you're on CentOS, the best move would be to download the source and build it with autotools (same procedure - just don't use yum.)

Hari Amoor

Posted 2019-06-16T23:22:10.463

Reputation: 101

I am using rhel fedora – nag – 2019-06-17T12:03:58.163

Then just download from source; that should be fine. – Hari Amoor – 2019-06-24T09:25:48.317