BIOS Ram Mapping Option Gone In Current BIOS, Disabled It On Previous Version of Bios


I have been having trouble for a while now with my laptop seemingly not using all of its installed ram, and I think this may be because Ram Mapping is disabled. I'm not 100% what this BIOS setting does, but a while ago I was messing around in my BIOS trying to increase the memory allotted to my integrated graphics chip (dumb, I know), and I think I turned Ram Mapping off.

Now, I would just go back into my BIOS and turn it back on, but I updated my BIOS and the option is now gone. Is Ram Mapping permanently turned off now? I have tried everything I could find to access advanced settings in my laptops BIOS, but apparently nowadays HP severely limits BIOS use. It seems that the more recent versions of my laptop model's BIOS are highly restrictive, and I have no way of turning Ram Mapping on or off.

Do you think that updating my BIOS would have automatically reactivated Ram Mapping? Or would the previous setting carry over into the new version? If the latter is true then I'd have to find or buy a flash drive to flash the BIOS to its original version. I'm not even 100% certain if this Ram Mapping thing is my problem, but it's something that seems like it has a chance of being the issue. If this whole Ram Mapping ends up being irrelevant I'll post another question about RAM use. However, if anyone has any ideas why my computer seems to be only using half the installed ram please let me know. It seems like each MB of ram a program uses is taking up two MB of my installed memory.

Thank you very much to anyone who responds.

Edit: I may just be expecting too much out of my RAM... But, Resource Monitor says my laptop is using 3800 MB of RAM right now, however when I add up all the numbers in the private column it doesn't seem to surpass 2500. Maybe I'm crazy but it seems like something is off.


Posted 2019-06-15T06:54:39.593

Reputation: 1

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