Edge does not show/use TLS/SSL until refresh


We have a webapp that uses 'Let's encrypt' certificates (and the nginx webserver).
The certificates are automatically renewed (a cron job runs every day and we get a new cert every 2 or 3 months).

With the first certificate everything worked. But now, that we got a renewed certificate, the Edge browser seems to have a problem.

When we visit the site, it seems that Edge does not recognize/use TLS encryption: enter image description here

you can see that the URL is https (so I guess the connection is actually encrypted), but the info window (when you click the (i) icon) shows a message, that the connection is not encrypted.

When we press F5 to relaod the page, everything seems okay again: enter image description here

So I guess, that Edge may somehow still have the info about the old (expired) cert and thus shows the wrong info message.

we do have HSTS enabled in the NGINX config - but that should not matter: SO-Ref

How can we avoid this? i.e. we want Edge to automatically use the new cert and not force our users to press F5.


Posted 2019-06-13T09:55:53.230

Reputation: 105

How do other browsers behave? – garethTheRed – 2019-06-13T10:12:15.153

@garethTheRed I am not sure how other browsers behave, because it is tricky to reproduce. After you click F5 once, the issue is gone. However, I think that I did not see the issue in Firefox. In Chrome I also saw a strange issue: it showed the okay-lock icon in the address bar, but the cert detail page showed the expired cert. Also after F5 the issue was gone. – TmTron – 2019-06-13T10:20:28.290

It's going to take a very long time to figure it out if you can only test once every three months. You could look at SChannel's ClientCacheTime - 10 hours by default. It might also be worth creating a lab CA (OpenSSL maybe) with certs that last much shorter in order to speed up the process. – garethTheRed – 2019-06-13T10:38:16.223



It turned out that the issue is related to the web-page being a PWA and that we had initially used a www-only cert.


  • when setting up the server we first created a www-only-certificate for e.g. www.myapp.com
  • but we forgot to include the naked-domain in the cert, so some hours later we created a new cert for myapp.com and www.myapp.com
  • the browsers that had already loaded the app had the issue described in the question

actually we just ignored the issue, because only few clients were affected and even for those, chrome does not show an error and the connection is still encrypted


Posted 2019-06-13T09:55:53.230

Reputation: 105