How to enable grub bootloader from cmd


Originally running dual boot windows and Ubuntu through grub. PC now boots into Windows after performing a boot repair. Is it possible to reset grub as the bootloader using Windows cmd? I'm stuck doing it this way as Windows BSOD on startup. Already tried using Bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path /EFI..... Etc This does not affect startup I have noticed {bootmgr} device is partition=c: which looks problematic but receive an error when trying to change to partition = /dev/sda1 or similar. I am unable to look at (mount) the Ubuntu partitions from a windows environment so I can't check the files even exist at that path.


Posted 2019-06-12T09:01:09.227

Reputation: 1

What was the full path you tried setting for bcdedit? Should be bcdedit /set '{bootmgr}' path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi or shimx64.efi if you have secure boot. Note the direction of the slashes: '' not '/'. See

– lx07 – 2019-06-12T09:58:47.770

Yes, the full path was as you have written. Now I tried with shimx64.efi still no result. Slashes was my fault, typing on phone. Thanks for the reference. – Droobasaur – 2019-06-14T10:56:35.817

download linux repair disk, create a live usb and boot on to it. it will run a scan and fix boot issues, most of them . you can download it from sourceforge official website. – Siyavash vaez afshar – 2019-06-19T15:04:53.330

I'm asking for a way to do it without access to another computer. I thought there must be commands in bios that help you change the boot settings. But as far as I can see, the only option is to choose between physical drives. – Droobasaur – 2019-06-22T02:19:10.590

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