TortoiseSVN:How to activate the latest tsvn:logtemplatebranch value


I need your help to resolve my problem of tsvn:logtemplatebranch property on TortoiseSVN. I would like to prompt tsvn:logtemplatebranch value when I operate "svn copy" on repository browser. But it didn't work as I expected. Followings seemed results of same cause. (TortoiseSVN 1.12.0 Build28568 - 64 Bit, Windows7)

Case1(on Client 1 with SVN Server 1)

What I did

I set "test" to tsvn:logtemplatebranch property value of "/tags" with repository browser. Then I tried to copy from "/trunk/somewere" to "/tags/tag1" with repository browser.

What I expected

"test" should be shown as a default message on the "Enter Log Message" dialog.

What actually happened

Nothing was shown on the "Enter Log Message" dialog.

Case2(on Client 2 with SVN Server 2)

What I did

I set "test" to tsvn:logtemplatebranch property value of "/tags" with repository browser. Then I tried to copy from "/trunk/somewere" to "/tags/tag1" with repository browser. On this environment, "test" was shown as a default message on the "Enter Log Message" dialog. After that, I changed the tsvn:logtemplatebranch property value from "test" to "test2" with repository browser. And I tried to copy from "/trunk/somewere" to "/tags/tag2" with repository browser.

What I expected

"test2" was shown as a default message on the "Enter Log Message" dialog.

What actually happened

"test" was shown as a default message on the "Enter Log Message" dialog. I mean it was not "test2".

My Question

Please tell me how to activate the latest tsvn:logtemplatebranch value.

Hiroshi Koiso

Posted 2019-06-12T07:39:10.150

Reputation: 1

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