browser chrome unable to login to discord


it has been almost 1 week since i cant login to discord from browser. I get blank page. I opened page with ctrl+shif+i and it says Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token {

I didnt installed any extensions to browser , nor i didnt typed anything in ctrl+shift+i console. I tried to delete cookies and clean all login forms . My only hope would be to reinstall/reset browser to default settings, but i dont want to do that, I still have unsaved stuff.

On vivaldi and firefox i dont have this problem.

Also i get this error in incognito chrome window

page screenshot

the whole page script is 4.1mb and just line 45 ( the one that causing the problem ) is 1.1mb . I tried to upload just line 45 code to pastebin, but the whole tab freezed, lol. Is just basically js codes and lots of vars.

Any idea what caused this and how to fix ?

all the results from google were for discord js bot errors. I made a js bot 1 month ago.

my os is linux


Posted 2019-06-10T05:58:18.827

Reputation: 11

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