Installing gcc-4.8 and gfortran-4.8, after having rm'ed gcc-8.3 and gfortran-8.3 from /usr/local/bin/


I recently installed gcc-8.3 and gfortran-8.3 from, using the instructions on that site. I installed both locally on my Mac. Installation was successful and my FORTRAN code compiled. However, I could not run my desired program. I have previous compiled and run my program on my institute server, and I went back to check the FORTRAN version on that machine, which turned out to be 4.8.5. I figured the version difference could had been the reason my code didn't run.

I thought to myself that I needed to change the version of gcc and gfortran to 4.8 locally on my Mac, using the links for that version also available on To avoid having conflicting versions on my Mac, I thought I would remove the binaries associated with gcc and gfortran from my /usr/local/bin, so I removed them all using

sudo rm -f ...files...

Now, after downloading the files for version 4.8, I try to

tar -xvf gcc-4.8-bin.tar

But I receive what looks like tar-errors:

x usr/local/include/c++/4.8.1/backward/hash_map: Failed to create dir 'usr/local/include/c++/4.8.1'Can't create 'usr/local/include/c++/4.8.1/backward/hash_map'

x usr/local/bin/cpp: Can't unlink already-existing object

x usr/local/bin/g++: Can't create 'usr/local/bin/g++'

tar: copyfile unpack (usr/local/include/mpc.h) failed: No such file or directory

I assume I have made a mistake somewhere, and I am regretting the sudo rm -f on the first binaries.

Has anyone had this problem before, or does anyone know how I might get back to square one, where I can resume the fortran installation from scratch?

Thank you!


Posted 2019-06-08T03:21:01.020

Reputation: 1

What directory are you in when you run the tar command?  Are you running as root (i.e., under sudo)? … … … … … … … … Please do not respond in comments; [edit] your question to make it clearer and more complete. – Scott – 2019-06-08T03:48:44.547

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