usb hid troubleshooting linux


I'm trying to get a java program to connect to a hid device on Fedora 30, but I get a 'errno 13' error when trying to connect

The software library creator and a user over on stack overflow have confirmed it's not a software library problem

My user has already been added to the wheel, dialout, and input groups with the same result

Can anyone suggest a way to get around this?

device path: /dev/input/by-id

0 lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 9 Jun 13 09:02 usb-Sycreader_RFID_Technology_Co.__Ltd_SYC_ID_IC_USB_Reader_08FF20140315-event-kbd -> ../event5

James Pollard

Posted 2019-06-07T08:23:42.753

Reputation: 1

1Are you running your program as root? Errno 13 is a permission denied error, so the problem seems really trivial. – Fanatique – 2019-06-07T08:51:37.550

no, it's being launched from inside netbeans. If my user is in the right group shouldn't I be able to access the device anyway? – James Pollard – 2019-06-07T09:04:12.883

Please edit question with uid and gid of the process that's trying to connect, the path of the device it's trying to connect, and the permissions of that device. You can use strace for additional information, if that helps. – dirkt – 2019-06-08T18:16:47.290

I'm not sure how to get the uid and gid of the process, it's launching from in my IDE Netbeans, it's not running long enough for me to run any additional commands – James Pollard – 2019-06-12T23:17:35.167

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