W10 Search with wildcard inside of "["


I have filenames that contain a starting bracket, e.g. [. Various labels can follow thereafter, separated by spaces except for the first label, e.g. [1952 Germany beer]. So, a filename may be myTrip2Germany[1952 Germany beer].pdf, or it may be myTrip2Europe[1952 Germany beer].pdf. (The labels are at the end of the filename, before any extension.)

I wish to use W10's Window Explorer to search for a string with wildcards where the string starts with [ and the remainder of the string MUST follow after the opening bracket.

I believe that I desire/need to use ~="[" to literally find the opening bracket, otherwise W10 search treats [ as a wildcard itself. But, I also seek to find a label, e.g. Germany, but only if the word is a label, i.e. the word is a label only if the word Germany comes AFTER [, not before [. I must be careful, as Germany may come before [, AND there may be none, one, or multiple other labels after [. I have tried the following, but it captures/finds the word Germany before and after [ or not at all:


And these also fail (either with false positive, or outright):



~="[" "Germany"

name:~="[" name:~="Germany"

Assuming that a solution exists with W10 search tool, thereafter, I wish to expand that capability and search for two or more labels that must both be present; so I assume I will need to use some sort of AND operator -- which to my understanding is simply accomplished by two or more search commands separtaed by a space in the search box, e.g. the last two attempts in the code box above.

I appreciate any help on this.


Posted 2019-06-06T05:01:36.017

Reputation: 1

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