Windows 10: can't drop files into the icon of a shared folder (but it works when I open it)


Dropping files into a close shared folder doesn't work

 Windows 10: Can't drop files into a shared folder

(The folder has been created by another user (userB) connected to the same wifi network, I can open it and see the files of userB)

When I open this folder, I can drop files into it.

Any idea how to enable the dragging on this shared folder (when it's closed)?

(the problem occur on a fresh install of windows running Windows 10 version 1903. The shared folder has been created on another computer running on Windows 10 ver. 1809)


Posted 2019-06-04T16:54:32.150

Reputation: 486

What type of computer is hosting this shared folder? Were you previously able to drag and drop files to this folder on an earlier version of Windows? – user1574981 – 2019-06-04T21:22:16.893

@user1574981 the problem occur on a fresh install of windows. The shared folder has been created on another computer running Windows 10. – JinSnow – 2019-06-05T04:08:20.757

Take a look at permissions. You almost certainly have read-only access, and not write. Have you tried copying a file on the command line? – Mawg says reinstate Monica – 2019-06-05T06:31:40.003

@Mawg but just to be sure: you are aware that when I click on the shared folder, I can drop files on it (or edit anything inside)? – JinSnow – 2019-06-05T08:25:50.407

Then I don't understand the problem; sorry to be so dumb. Question title "Windows 10: can't drop files into a shared folder", OP comment "when I click on the shared folder, I can drop files on it (or edit anything inside)?" – Mawg says reinstate Monica – 2019-06-05T08:30:44.873

1@Mawg my bad, I edited the title, the problem only occur when the folder is closed (cf the printscreen) – JinSnow – 2019-06-05T08:32:37.247

Aha! The penny drops :-) just curious - did you try a command line copy? – Mawg says reinstate Monica – 2019-06-05T08:50:53.717

1@Mawg Yes, copying using the command line works – JinSnow – 2019-06-05T10:06:11.507

Ok, that helps us narrow it down. Perhaps the desktop icon is .LNK file to which you do not have write access, and when you click it, it opens a folder to which you do have write access? Check your access rights to the desktop icon – Mawg says reinstate Monica – 2019-06-05T10:39:14.440

1thanks for your endurance @Mawg ! The problem is the same for both, the main folder and the shortcut folder. – JinSnow – 2019-06-05T10:50:22.647

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