Color Blind Red->Orange Green->Blue


I'm Red-to-Green colorblind and working with VS Code. I would like to override all Red and Green text colors throughout the entire editor. Red would be changed to Orange, and Green would be changed to Blue.

Android Studio (IntelliJ) has this feature. Is there a way to do it in VS Code?

Matthew Divertie

Posted 2019-06-02T12:59:47.983

Reputation: 11

I don't have an answer, but if your color blindness isn't too extreme, there are now glasses that will improve your ability to differentiate the colors, and you may not need to modify color coding. They filter out light wavelengths for the color overlap so the colors can be better differentiated. See They aren't cheap, but they improve everything you see, so the justification is quality of life rather than coding convenience.

– fixer1234 – 2019-06-02T19:50:27.053

I googled "vscode colour blind themes" and there seems to be a fair few themes already made for people in your situation. You could maybe try one of those? – Randomhero – 2019-06-03T09:46:08.323

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