How to install GDB 8 in CentOS 7


I need to install GDB 8.0 or above in my CentOS 7. My current version of gdb is 7.6.1.

I have followed the guide at devtoolset-7-gdb | Install HowTo:

  1. yum install centos-release-scl-rh

  2. yum --enablerepo=centos-sclo-rh-testing install devtoolset-7-gdb

but when I hit gdb -v, I get my old version: 7.6.1 and not 8.0.


Posted 2019-06-02T03:26:55.030

Reputation: 101


Are you certain devtoolset-7-gdb is installing GDB 8? If it is GDB 8, then you need to source the new version of GDB at init. Also see How to update Apache and PHP using SCL? on U&L.SE. It is doing the same thing, but for Apache, Python and PHP.

– jww – 2019-06-02T04:13:03.653

have the same problem installed devtoolset-8 -gdb but gdb --version give 7.6 , any solution ? – user71020 – 2019-06-25T08:01:06.507

@AgnosticCucumber ok i found the answer you need to enable SCL look here , i run it and its working

– user71020 – 2019-06-25T09:18:19.500

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