VirtualBox fails to start with VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED



Immediately after starting a VM in VirtualBox, I receive a error box that contains the following error message:

Call to WHvSetupPartition failed: ERROR_SUCCESS (Last=0xc000000d/87) (VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED).

I am running Windows 10 Professional, Version 1903 and have confirmed that Hyper-V is not enabled.


Posted 2019-05-29T23:31:32.137

Reputation: 983

Are you running Windows 10 Professional? – Stevoisiak – 2019-08-06T15:38:15.950

I got the same problem and none of the solutions from here doesn't work for me. Could you please take a look on my question -

– KozhevnikovDmitry – 2019-12-09T07:17:49.960

I don't have enough rep on this SE site to post this as an answer (perhaps someone else would though?), but I just managed to get my VMs to launch in VBox 6.2 on a Win10 Pro 1903 host with both "Hyper-V" and "Windows Hypervisor Platform" features installed: I just needed to update my VBox global config with VBoxManage setextradata global "VBoxInternal/NEM/UseRing0Runloop" 0. See this VBox forum post for details.

– ZaLiTHkA – 2020-01-29T11:10:15.500

Minor correction to my previous comment (too late to edit it now): I meant in VirtualBox 6.1.2.. – ZaLiTHkA – 2020-01-29T11:39:15.103

@ZaLiTHkA you could ask a new question and tick the "Answer your own question" box – aman207 – 2020-01-29T14:26:12.750



Open the "Turn Windows features on of off" settings, and untick "Windows Sandbox". A couple reboots may be required.

This is a new feature in Windows 10 v1903 that uses Hyper-V on the backend (even if it's not enabled in Windows Features), which makes this feature not compatible with VirtualBox.


Posted 2019-05-29T23:31:32.137

Reputation: 983

I am also facing this same issue. In my machine both hyper-v and sandbox not enabled (both are untick). Any other suggestions? – PSR – 2019-05-30T08:03:29.970

3Two reboots are needed after disabling Windows Sandbox – Jonathan Rioux – 2019-07-13T02:13:25.603

1In my case was unchecking "Windows Hypervisor Platform" – user63227 – 2019-07-23T23:10:25.723

3The "Windows Sandbox" can't appear for some people that are not using Windows 10 on english language (my case, I'm using Brazilian Portuguese). On that case, you can use the command line to disable it: Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName "Containers-DisposableClientVM" -Online – Dherik – 2019-09-13T17:44:00.537

i also had to disable "Docker for windows"m seems to re-enable Hyper-V – JPelletier – 2019-11-11T15:10:04.850

It seems that Microsoft is re-enabling Hyper-V even if we disable it with those feature updates. (Hyper-V was re-enabled on my Windows 10 PC after upgrading to 1903 without telling me...) – Bajiru – 2019-12-01T09:40:18.823

I got the same problem and solutions from here doesn't work for me. Could you please take a look on my question -

– KozhevnikovDmitry – 2019-12-09T07:14:44.223

I had to untick "Virtual Machine Platform" & reboot twice. – Nearoo – 2020-01-27T13:30:30.510

Just rebooting twice might be a good idea to try, the only common denominator in all solutions here is the reboot twice – Nearoo – 2020-01-27T13:32:18.903

Had to reboot twice to get this working (unchecked both Hyper-V and sandbox). – Joules – 2020-02-12T20:27:06.830


Finally solved the issue.

  1. Turn off Hyper-v
  2. Turn off Windows sandbox

by navigating to "Turn windows features on or off".

Restart the machine twice and then try to Start vm in virtualbox.


Posted 2019-05-29T23:31:32.137

Reputation: 359

7Restart twice EVEN if Windows sandbox was already off and only Hyper-v was turned off did the trick! – Frithjof Schaefer – 2019-09-12T15:05:04.777

1Also turn off "Containers" – nimrodm – 2020-02-19T14:14:57.003


According to this VirtualBox forum post, there are several features which might use Microsoft Hyper-V, which is not compatible with VirtualBox:

Look in the "Control Panel" » "Programs and Features" » "Turn Windows features on or off", and make sure that the none of the following are active:
  • Application Guard
  • Credential Guard
  • Device Guard
  • <any> * Guard
  • Containers
  • Hyper-V
  • Virtual Machine Platform
  • Windows Hypervisor Platform
  • Windows Sandbox
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

If that doesn't work, enter the following command:

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

followed by a cold boot, i.e. shut down the computer, pull the power plug for 10 seconds, reboot.

For me, just disabling "Virtual Machine Platform" and restarting TWICE made it work.

WSL 1 will still work. I'm not so sure about WSL 2, which is currently available in the Windows Insider Program.


Posted 2019-05-29T23:31:32.137

Reputation: 243

I can confirm that "Virtual Machine Platform" feature is required for WSL 2 Also mentioned here

– Boris Brdarić – 2020-01-15T00:42:42.247


In my case, turning Windows Sandbox and Hyper-V off and restarting my PC dozens of times didn't work. I even tried turning the features back on, then back off, then restarting another dozen times.

What did work, was disabling Memory integrity from Core isolation in Windows Security, possibly because it uses virtualization features, as do Hyper-V and the Windows Sandbox.

Windows Security screenshot

Now I can finally start my VMs again.


Posted 2019-05-29T23:31:32.137

Reputation: 1 874

this worked for me – dipu – 2020-01-11T07:56:40.510

This also worked for me. Thanks! – Makotosan – 2020-01-17T04:55:05.670


Hyper-V needs to be disabled but not uninstalled. I wanted to maintain Hyper-V functions some of the time and have the option to reboot into windows with Hyper-V disabled.

I ran the following in an administrator powershell prompt:

bcdedit /copy {current} /d "Windows 10 no Hyper-V"

The entry was successfully copied to {95524711-fa90-11e9-b0c8-927c2d2c6eb6}.

Copy the GUID into the next command:

bcdedit /set "{95524711-fa90-11e9-b0c8-927c2d2c6eb6}" hypervisorlaunchtype off

The operation completed successfully.

Click restart while holding the shift button And keep holding shift

screenshot of restart

Select "Other Operating Systems" and your "No Hyper-V" option is in there.

boot menu Boot Options

If you want to change the default mode (either with hyper-v enabled or disabled), run msconfig and change the default on the boot tab.

msconfig screenshot

Thanks to Scott Hanselman for inspiring this post.


Posted 2019-05-29T23:31:32.137

Reputation: 404