Visual Studio 2019 Web Site Template



How can I create a new Web Site project (not Web Application) in Visual Studio 2019? The only options I have available are all Web Applications that require compilation to publish.

For ASP.NET WebForms not MVC.


Posted 2019-05-27T22:53:31.200

Reputation: 111



One way to do this is to select File --> Open --> Web Site from Visual Studio. Click on File System. Select your target folder or click on the Create New Folder icon and name it as you prefer.

This will create an empty web site project and you can add new pages, folder and the like as needed.


Posted 2019-05-27T22:53:31.200

Reputation: 21


To create "ASP.NET Web Site" projects in Visual Studio 2019 you need to install the "Additional project templates (previous versions)" ASP.NET Component as shown below.

I have to confess I'd missed this option too as it's only visible if you click on the ASP.NET workload and is not listed on the "Individual components" tab!

enter image description here

After installing the component, the templates are now present:

enter image description here

Stephen Kennedy

Posted 2019-05-27T22:53:31.200

Reputation: 266

Thanks for a very detailed and easy to follow answer. This solved my issue. – Sunil – 2020-02-02T06:50:40.407