How can I proxy on specific context path?


We are currently relocating an application that uses context to select "profiles" (define app properties and JDBC connection string)

For now, the URL is this kind: Then you are redirected to But there is also other stuff like api contexts:

I know that the current application is using apache + haproxy on frontend and backend:

Web => apache => local haproxy => backend haproxy => application backend

My problem is that I'm trying to reproduce the same config here, but the proxy doesn't work well (I test with a modified host file): redirects to

It's like the initial context was taken as option string by the application.

I made some combination on haproxy / apache config and when I use a simple reverse proxy configuration without profiles context selection, it's working (except that I have only one profile...) :

Did you already have these kind of behavior ? I use haproxy 1.8 and apache httpd 2.4.

Here is what my haproxy config looks like:

frontend default
        bind *:80
        capture request header X-Forwarded-For len 15
        acl rest_url path /api
        acl rest_url path_beg /api/
        acl app1_profile path_beg /test/company/app1
        acl app2_profile path_beg /test/company/app2

        use_backend app3 if rest_url 
        use_backend app1 if app1_profile
        use_backend app2 if app2_profile

backend app1
        cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache httponly
        #http-request redirect location[url,regsub(^/web/,/test/company/app1/web/,)]%[query] if { path_beg /web/ }
        #http-request set-var(txn.path) path
        #http-response redirect location if ! { path_beg /test/ }
        #reqirep ^Host:\ .*$ Host:
        server app1_backend

Apache config:

   ProxyRequests On
   ProxyPreserveHost On

   <Location /test/company/app1/>
      ProxyPass http://localhost:80/
      ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:80/

I have spent hours to try to have a working config, but it still doesn't work. I hope that someone could help me.


Sébastien Simonek

Posted 2019-05-27T09:22:28.800

Reputation: 11

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