Apps don't show up in camera and microphone privacy settings in macbook



I cannot allow camera and microphone of my macbook pro to be used in different applications (Google Chrome, Slack etc.) as they do not appear in System Preferences->Security & Privacy->Microphone/Camera.

Since, there are no apps and no way to add them, there are no tickboxes as explained here:


Posted 2019-05-26T03:09:00.463

Reputation: 123

Same problem, it seems I have once denied a permission for an App and now I need it. Can't get it enabled, as it is not listed. – kuhnroyal – 2019-07-18T12:08:18.853

did you make any system changes recently? In my case, I did modify uid/gid of a user. I wonder that did this. – nir – 2020-02-07T17:31:06.920



I found a solution for my case. I am using macOS Mojave Version 10.14.5. Hope it works for others too.

  1. Finder > Go > Computer

enter image description here

  1. Macintosh HD > user > Double finger tap on your account > Get Info

enter image description here

  1. Sharing & Permissions:Click on the lower right lock and enter password

enter image description here

  1. Click on the gear mark at the bottom > Apply to enclosed items > Click OK for the pop-up window (Applying permissions...)

enter image description here

  1. Reboot your mac


Posted 2019-05-26T03:09:00.463

Reputation: 123

1Thanks for that solution. – Jehanzeb.Malik – 2019-10-15T09:28:55.600


in my case my per-user tccd has been disabled somehow


  • open
  • launchctl list | grep -i
  • if no matches found re-enabe your user tccd using

    launchctl load -wF /System/Library/LaunchAgents/


Posted 2019-05-26T03:09:00.463

Reputation: 101

It matches for me :/ – crgarridos – 2020-01-24T14:08:11.223