Windows 10 - Slow winlogon boot phase on SSD



According to Windows Performance Recorder, my Winlogon phase is taking 290 seconds to complete:

(WPR image)

This thread suggests that it is a HDD bottleneck, but my OS is installed on a 240 GB SSD from Kingston. So I believe something else might be the problem. Any ideas? I have a secondary HDD, but I already tried to boot without it plugged in and the issue persists. Also, my SSD is half empty, so that shouldn't be a problem.


I´ve tracked a few misbehaving processes. Here are some that i think might be the problem. Note how the wermgr.exe process finishes at 159 seconds. Then the sppsvc.exe process starts (likely due to a dependecy) and then the sppsvc.exe process ends at 191 seconds, roughly the end of my winlogon phase. (I've done another WPR trace and the winlogon phase took 192 seconds, just as a FYI).

Pedro S.

Posted 2019-05-25T22:47:15.190

Reputation: 1

What's happening in that boot phase? Drill down into the data to find what's taking so long. – I say Reinstate Monica – 2019-05-25T23:48:45.393

@TwistyImpersonator I´ve tracked a few misbehaving processes. Here are some that i think might be the problem. Note how the wermgr.exe process finishes at 159 seconds. Then the sppsvc.exe process starts (likely due to a dependecy) and then the sppsvc.exe process ends at 191 seconds, roughly the end of my winlogon phase. (I've done another WPR trace and the winlogon phase took 192 seconds, just as a FYI).

– Pedro S. – 2019-05-26T00:12:02.043

Please do not only respond in the comments. Instead, [edit] the post with this information. – I say Reinstate Monica – 2019-05-26T00:20:11.397

Sorry about that, fixed it! – Pedro S. – 2019-05-26T01:11:31.393

What antimalware is running? Often, boot is delayed until disks, even other HDD's, are scanned. You can check that by temporarily disabling the software, – DrMoishe Pippik – 2019-05-26T03:59:29.453

i don't have any antimalware (besides windows defender) running. – Pedro S. – 2019-05-26T18:48:28.523

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