Errors while using tensorlab with octave


In they say it's possible to use tensorlab with octave newer than 3.8 . I use 5.1.0 and have a problem with:

>>H = hankelize(1:7,'full',false);
error: hankelize: operator *: nonconformant arguments (op1 is 1x101, op2 is 0x0)
error: called from
    hankelize at line 143 column 25

and similarly with:

>> % Generate pseudorandom factor matrices U0 and their associated full tensor T.
>> size_tens = [7 8 9]; R = 4;
>> U = cpd_rnd(size_tens,R);
>> T = cpdgen(U);
>> Uhat = cpd(T,R);
error: binary operator '*' not implemented for 'matrix' by 'scalar struct' operations
error: called from
    mlsvd_rsi at line 53 column 11
    cpd at line 276 column 11

what can I do?

Filip Parker

Posted 2019-05-23T15:25:12.130

Reputation: 101

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