We are trying to troubleshoot a printing issue where a print job will randomly repeat a portion of a print job. These print jobs are generated using 3rd party software and we've looked top to bottom through the logs (with help of their tech support) and can't see any sign of print jobs, or the content therein, repeating.
Normally we would spit out a spool file and analyze that, but everything I see online involves pausing physical printing to grab the raw spool file. This causes some issues because the problem is so intermittent that we need to capture the spool file without interrupting currently printing jobs.
Is there a way to do this, perhaps through some existing software? Could we create some sort of link or reference to the spoolfile that duplicates everything to a separate folder? (Not sure if that is even a real thing that can be done) The server we are using runs Windows 2012 R2
Have you tried enabling the "keep spooled job after printing" option? This prevents the spool files from being deleted after they are printed. – I say Reinstate Monica – 2019-05-22T23:07:31.170