Is it possible to assign IRQs in Windows 10?


For some PCI devices, I use specific IRQs to call interrupt service routines. If our video card is using the standard "Microsoft Basic Display Adapter" driver, our interrupt service routines run great. However, if I install the NVidia drivers, the video card takes IRQ 16 (which is in use).

I'd like to use the NVidia drivers, but I need it to move to another IRQ. I've found some instructions for WinXP, but nothing that works in Windows 10.


Posted 2019-05-22T14:52:13.587

Reputation: 101

UEFI or legacy BIOS? – spikey_richie – 2019-05-22T14:54:11.473

BIOS Mode: Legacy – Brian – 2019-05-22T15:25:13.020

Wowza, IRQ? Have you checked into disabling IRQ Steering? Not complete sure if that's applicable, but it may be worth checking out. If you can change where the IRQ assignments come from, you may be able to get around the driver specifying the wrong IRQ.

– music2myear – 2019-05-22T15:27:43.793

music2myear, I've tried going down that path, but I don't see a "PCI Bus" device, and nothing shows an IRQ Steering tab. – Brian – 2019-05-22T15:56:11.093

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