Puppet - Agentless Proxy for cisco_ios devices


I need Help with my puppet agentless proxy scenario. In a fully isolated environment I installed all the modules, dependencies and ruby gems to use the puppet - puppet agent as a puppet agentless proxy for cisco ios devices. Because this environment is isolated from the internet I had to install all the modules, dependencies and gems manually by myself and maybe I missed some change or entry the "puppet module install" command e.g. would have done. finally I have installed all packages for using the puppet agent as an agentless proxy for cisco IOS devices I have configrued a device named EXAMPLE-DEVICE and when I run the command "puppet device -v" I get the output:

Info: starting applying configuration to EXAMPLE-DEVICE at file:////etc/puppetlabs/puppet/devices/EXAMPLE-DEVICE.conf

Error: Can't load cisco_ios for EXAMPLE-DEVICE: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known

Maybe you can help with this :-)

Thorben Brakel

Posted 2019-05-22T12:11:31.880

Reputation: 1

Are you able to run a nslookup, dig or ping on the example-device? – Seth – 2019-05-22T12:52:10.917

1Yes I can dig, ping and nslookup my device. It seems to be that there has to be something in the /etc/services what do not exist. Maybe the "puppet module install" writes something in this file what I missed to do. – Thorben Brakel – 2019-05-24T04:48:42.833

getaddrinfo usually refers to name resolution/network stuff. The service might not be able to access the network properly or do a lookup for example-device. – Seth – 2019-05-24T05:07:33.820

I did specified an address and a the other informations needed in the credentials like: address => 'ip-address',

port => '22',

user => 'uname',

password => 'pass1',

enable_password => "pass2", – Thorben Brakel – 2019-05-27T05:13:18.743

I just replaced the ip address of the switch to not give the www the information about my switch :-) – Thorben Brakel – 2019-05-27T05:14:39.073

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