I use QuoDB to find useful examples from movie scripts. It seems like a JSON web page and I'm looking for a way to get the results expanded without having to click on every "context" button. Is there a way like entering a JavaScript code on the address bar or maybe finding out a URL parameter which can make those results expanded?
Thanks, but I'm not that technical. Can you give me a url template for that site which I can replace my searches in that url and get the results with expanded context? Besides, I followed the steps and found something like this when I click on the context http://api.quodb.com/quotes/M1295236bf/12592019 I put that in the address bar but it returns some gibberish text.
– dashakol – 2019-05-24T16:08:50.507If you read my answer and give it a go, you will understand this is not a technical process. It is very simple to do. – Tom Dickson – 2019-05-28T06:28:05.257
The closest thing I get was the url template which I gave in the above comment. There is two problem:
I'm looking for a way to load all the context for a search at once. You said it's simple, I'll be very much appreciated if you could screen cast doing that and share it here too. – dashakol – 2019-05-31T12:00:26.307