How do I get my expect statement to not output the stdout of the first command?


What I'm trying to do is execute an ssh command that prints out the /etc/shadow file. Obviously that file requires root or sudo permission, and I don't have root creds, therefore I have to use sudo.

Here is the command I've worked out:

expect -c 'spawn -noecho ssh -q -t -S /tmp/t2.ssh dummy "sudo cat /etc/shadow";expect "assword"; send "password99\r";interact'

It outputs exactly what I need, but it also outputs the prompt for the sudo password on the very first line:

[sudo] password for student99:

Without using other programs (like grep, awk, tail, etc) is there a way to modify the expect command so that it prints only the output of the cat command and not the [sudo] password for student99: prompt?

Thanks to @larsks, my final working command is:

expect -c 'spawn -noecho ssh -q -t -S /tmp/t2.ssh dummy "sudo cat /etc/shadow";log_user 0;expect "assword"; send "password99\r";interact'


Posted 2019-05-21T23:45:28.880

Reputation: 13



You can disable output logging by setting log_user 0. From the docs:

log_user -info|0|1
    By default, the send/expect dialogue is logged to stdout (and a logfile if
    open). The logging to stdout is disabled by the command "log_user 0" and
    reenabled by "log_user 1". Logging to the logfile is unchanged.

    The -info flag causes log_user to return a description of the most recent
    non-info arguments given. 


Posted 2019-05-21T23:45:28.880

Reputation: 3 245

This is it! Thank you!

My final command is:

expect -c 'spawn -noecho ssh -q -t -S /tmp/t2.ssh dummy "sudo cat /etc/shadow";log_user 0;expect "assword"; send "password99\r";interact' – beechfuzz – 2019-05-22T02:27:02.077