Issue with Error 1310 when installing an app on Windows 10


Windows 10 I've been having issues with a particular desktop app that I've never had before. The app is having issues writing to a folder in the Documents folder. After verifying ownership of the Documents folder I was still having issues. I decided after rebooting and still not resolving to update the app to 8.7 from 8.6.

Now when I try to install the 8.7 version I am getting: enter image description here

I find it strange that he installer cannot write to c:\Users\Public\Documents[any folder] considering that it is owned by System and Everyone has full control.

I have also tried turning off Windows Defender and rebooting. Neither helped. It seems like permissions issues with the user folder. Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT Forgot to mention that I also tried running the install as Administrator. Still didn't help.


    Directory: C:\Users\Public\Documents\LTShared

Path      Owner               Access
----      -----               ------
Materials NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ERIC-DESKTOP\erics Allow  FullControl...

Eric Snyder

Posted 2019-05-20T20:41:09.323

Reputation: 101

Please provide the ACL for "..\Public\Documents\LTShared\Materials\Covest" – Ramhound – 2019-05-20T21:41:42.747

@Ramhound - Path Owner Access

Materials NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM ERIC-DESKTOP\erics Allow FullControl... – Eric Snyder – 2019-05-20T21:47:38.647

The reason for this error after additional research isn't a permission problem one due to the fact a process currently has the file question open. You should use the appropriate tool to determine what process currently has the file open. Have you tried to reboot your machine? – Ramhound – 2019-05-20T21:55:38.040

@Ramhound - Thank you. Yes.As I stated above "I have also tried turning off Windows Defender and rebooting. Neither helped." I also tried rebooting and then running the installer as amdimistartor. What would the appropriate tool to determine what has the file open be? – Eric Snyder – 2019-05-20T21:58:12.883

Whatever tool you decide to use to see what processes have the file opened. There might not be a process, the error is pretty generic, but one of the reasons for the error is indeed the file is already open by another process. – Ramhound – 2019-05-20T22:01:49.487

@Ramhound - Just checked with Process Explorer. Nothing is reported to have the folder and the file the installer is trying to write does not exist in the public folder yet. – Eric Snyder – 2019-05-20T22:12:57.250



This ended up being Windows Defender blocking assess to:


using Controlled Folder Access. I had to go in and whitelist the apps that I knew were friendly in:

Windows Defender > Virus and Threat protection > Virus and threat protection settings > Manage controlled folder access > Allow an app through Controlled folder access

Eric Snyder

Posted 2019-05-20T20:41:09.323

Reputation: 101