shift+space changes language in fedora (Gnome desktop)


Shift+space is nowhere defined to change language but it does! It's super annoying because shift+space normally should insert non-breaking space which is so frequently needed in Persian.

Alireza Mirian

Posted 2019-05-19T07:31:10.960

Reputation: 101

Just to clarify, are you working with an "off-the-shelf" implementation of Fedora and Gnome (you haven't customized anything or redefined those keys, etc.)? The language is set in Fedora's system settings and just a single language is set anywhere, or what other languages are set and where? Does Shift-Space change languages in every app or just a specific one? What language does it change it to? – fixer1234 – 2019-05-19T08:59:55.940


  • Yes I do. I just remember I touched language settings maybe during the setup. 2. I added Persian in inputs. So it's En and fa now. 3. Yes it does so in every app. 4. The alternative language. If it's fa , it's changed to en and vice versa.
  • < – Alireza Mirian – 2019-05-19T11:04:45.633

    It looks like Linux provides for keyboard shortcuts to switch languages. Shift-space may be a default setting, but you may be able to change that. I spotted this article about Ubuntu: Fedora is probably similar.

    – fixer1234 – 2019-05-19T22:36:44.997

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