Connect from cmd to WiFI with emoji in its name


How can I connect to a WiFi network that its name contains emojis?

I tried the regular way of netsh wlan connect name="name" ssid="ssid", and also with different encoding types. Tried also to copy the same text that I see when using netsh wlan show all (since I'm already connected to the network - through the Windows UI).

I'm also open to another command line solution that will work, as long as its a built-in one in Windows 10.


Posted 2019-05-18T06:17:52.480

Reputation: 1 913

Related and probably duplicate but a couple years old so see if it still works with latest version of Windows:

– n8te – 2019-05-18T06:24:03.660

Allegedly - the new-future version of the windows console will do emoji - so a precise build might be a useful thing to include in your question. – Journeyman Geek – 2019-05-18T06:34:09.547

I haven't found this question on the search, thanks! Will look at it – arieljannai – 2019-05-18T06:57:03.937

In ConEmu it doesn't work for me, and I also tried changing the cp with chcp 65001 – arieljannai – 2019-05-18T07:39:35.873

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