Telnet to Microsoft telnet server from a SSH Session


From my laptop, I need to SSH to a Windows Server and then, I need to telnet to a different server.

I am able to SSH to the Windows Server, but I tried telnet , I am just getting an empty line and prompt is shown.

ramesh@ramesh-VirtualBox:~$ ssh abc@
abc@'s password: 
Last login: Fri May 17 20:53:29 2019 from

abc@T165020-630MT-2 ~
$ telnet

abc@T165020-630MT-2 ~

Pranesh Arumugam

Posted 2019-05-17T13:31:56.437

Reputation: 1

1Try running %windir%\Sysnative\telnet <your ip> – notjustme – 2019-05-17T14:12:53.850

abc@T165020-630MT-2 ~ $ %windir%\Sysnative\telnet -bash: fg: %windir%Sysnativetelnet: no such job – Pranesh Arumugam – 2019-05-17T14:51:26.400

Ahh, yes of course, sorry. Perhaps /mnt/c/Windows/SysWOW64/telnet <ipaddress> will work better. – notjustme – 2019-05-17T15:01:17.727

I tried, but it says,abc@T165020-630MT-2 ~ $ /mnt/c/Windows/SysWOW64/telnet -bash: /mnt/c/Windows/SysWOW64/telnet: No such file or directory – Pranesh Arumugam – 2019-05-17T15:07:39.613

/mnt/c/Windows/SysWOW64/telnet.exe <ipaddress> – notjustme – 2019-05-17T15:11:07.400

The same error. No such file or directory. :-( – Pranesh Arumugam – 2019-05-17T15:58:12.663

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