How to permanently update a Micosoft SQL Server using DBeaver?


I am connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server using DBeaver. I ran an UPDATE command on a table to update all users' login count to 0. After I ran it, I ran a SELECT command and saw that it was indeed changed to 0. But, after I disconnect from the server, I noticed that the changes were not permanent as it was reverted back to its original value.

How do I update values permanently using DBeaver? This might have to do with 'View Session'. I am connecting using the sa account. Thank you very much for your help.


Posted 2019-05-17T01:43:34.743

Reputation: 11

1I don’t even know what DBeaver is. But transactions that are rolling back haven’t been “committed.” Make sure you’re using COMMIT TRANSACTION. – Appleoddity – 2019-05-17T03:40:42.113

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