How to package browser drivers for use with selenium


I've written a script that I want to give to others, but it uses selenium, which requires the browser driver to be installed with a path address. So how can I "install" the browser driver with the executable package?


Posted 2019-05-14T06:31:02.040

Reputation: 11



I use a folder in the project and then reference by ./location_of_driver/driverfile.exe to access the driver. I have Chrome, Firefox, and Edge successfully setup this way.

Since you did not mention if this was being shared from a repository or custom jar file, I'm not able to help further. I just do the above in the repository, and anyone that checks out the project receive the drivers contained in this project folder.

Dan Pearman

Posted 2019-05-14T06:31:02.040

Reputation: 1