WordPress Contact Form 7 sends email with code


We're using WordPress 5.2 with Contact Form 7 5.1.1.

If we fill in our email settings, which the website owner will receive, for example:


It should show the filled in information, but instead we get an email saying:

g-recaptcha-response : your-name : Test your-adres : Street 21A your-woonplaats : City your-telefoonnummer : 0612345678 your-geboortedatum : 01-01-1990 your-email : test@test.com mc4wp_checkbox : No

I can't seem to find any solution to this. Does anybody know what to do about this or what's going wrong? At our other websites we don't get this weird email back.

Sorry for providing not that much info, I have no idea where to look. Only thing I tried is to download Contact Form 7 Recaptcha v2 plugin, but that doesn't result in anything.

Thanks in advance.


Posted 2019-05-13T15:21:38.393

Reputation: 1

Hi and welcome to Superuser! Did you read the documentation of Contact Form? Perhaps that will lead you in the right direction. If, after reading the relevant sections, you still have questions feel free to edit your question and include what you've read/tried and what part you did not understand.

– Saaru Lindestøkke – 2019-05-13T15:35:12.137

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