Yocto builds gcc but not assembler


I'm using Yocto on Ubuntu 16.04 to build a Linux system for a Variscite board that has a NXP/Freescale iMX6 (ARM Cortex-A7) processor. Yocto builds a "gcc" package that contains gcc and related tools (e.g., gcc-ar, gcc-nm), but no assembler (as). I've searched every RPM package that Yocto has built, and none contain a file "as" or "arm-fslc-linux-gnueabi-gcc-as". I've read that as is normally contained in a package called "binutils", but I can't find such a package in my Yocto tree. How does Yocto think I'm going to compile C on the target system without an assembler? Thanks!

UPDATE: I got Yocto to build the binutils package, including the assembler, by adding "tools-sdk" to the EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES variable in BUILD_DIRECTORY/conf/local.conf. I then ran

MACHINE=imx6ul-var-dart DISTRO=fslc-x11 . setup-environment build_x11
bitbake meta-ide-support
bitbake meta-toolchain
bitbake -c populate_sdk fsl-image-gui

(Although I'm not sure all three bitbake commands were necessary.) Then I did a find for a file called "binutils*.rpm", scp'ed it to the target board and installed it with "rpm -i". It required another RPM package called libbfd, which I also scp'ed and installed. I can now build C code on the target.

Dave Beal

Posted 2019-05-09T22:43:22.507

Reputation: 1

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