OS mismatch when installing webpack-cli on Windows


I'm completely new to webpack, and I think my problem may be very obvious, because I can't find anyone who has the same problem as me. But I can't see it and I'm stuck.

I'm working on Windows 10. I've just uninstalled and reinstalled node to get a clean installation.

Node version 10.15.3 npm version 6.4.1

I run npm install webpack and installs just fine. When I try to run webpack it tells me that I have to install webpack-cli with npm install webpack-cli -D, so i tell it to do it. And I get and then I get an error that, from my limited knowledge, doesn't make any sense.

npm ERR! notsup Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.4: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})
npm ERR! notsup Valid OS:    darwin
npm ERR! notsup Valid Arch:  any
npm ERR! notsup Actual OS:   win32
npm ERR! notsup Actual Arch: x64

I expect that kind of error on an MacOS-specific package, but I'm pretty sure that webpack-cli isn't (primarily because I installed it on a linux VM without any problem).

So I'm very confused. This should be something that I should be able to do in less than a minute with just a few commands, but for some reason I got a nonsensical error that keeps me stuck. If npm knows that is running on Windows, why in the earth it tries to download the Mac version of a package?

EDIT: If you need more info, please ask. I don't even know where to start troubleshooting.

Javier Paz Sedano

Posted 2019-05-08T13:51:01.933

Reputation: 1

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