A time tracker with screenshots and usable Jira integration


There are tons of time trackers available that claim to be 'time trackers with screenshots and Jira integration', however, after a closer look all of them (at least the ones that I found) suffer critical flaws.

I would greatly appreciate if anyone could recommend a reliable time tracker with the following features:

  • Windows Desktop client
  • Screenshots, preferably customizable
  • Application usage breakdown
  • Keyboard and mouse activity
  • Sync work time with Jira tasks in real-time, i.e. new Jira task appears in tracker immediately and the captured time is written to Jira task in real-time (or quite frequently)
  • Proper integration with Jira so that all trackers/employees can work within the same Jira projects.
  • Jira task filtering and search. This is to avoid scrolling hundreds of tasks in the Desktop Client
  • Sync time to any Jira project task, not necessarily the tasks where the current user is the assignee.
  • Auto-pause when an idle time detected
  • The monthly price is no higher than $10/mo

Hubstuff, Timecamp, TimeDoctor are the closest candidates, unfortunately they lack some of the features above.


Posted 2019-05-03T07:34:48.600

Reputation: 1


Software recommendations are out of scope on super user. There is a software recommendation exchange you could try.

– Seth – 2019-05-03T07:36:33.193



Check out DueFocus . This app may help you according to your requirements and requests. Besides, right now you have an opportunity to download and check it for free. Time tracker is available as a beta.

Tom Mann

Posted 2019-05-03T07:34:48.600

Reputation: 1

Welcome to Super User! Whilst this may theoretically answer the question, it would be preferable to include the essential parts of the answer here, like a overview of the software you're suggesting. Follow some of the topics based on this topic and edit your answer accordingly.

– CaldeiraG – 2019-05-09T09:00:08.777