Firebase hosting location



I'm trying to use Firebase hosting rewrites config to use a Firebase function at Asia region. But I cannot find any document to do this.

Basically, I want to access my Firebase app function at the asia-northeast1 region by https://<target-name>

What config (firebase.json) I'm trying:

  "hosting": {
    "target": "my-target",
    "public": "public",
    "region": "asia-northeast1", // attempt #1
    "rewrites": [
        "region": "asia-northeast1", // attempt #2
        "source": "**",
        "function": "app"

Myles Fang

Posted 2019-04-29T03:41:07.067

Reputation: 11



As of Jun 2019, this is impossible because Firebase Hosting is only available in us-central1 region, thus can only proxy to Firebase Functions in the same region.

See Firebase documents.

Myles Fang

Posted 2019-04-29T03:41:07.067

Reputation: 11