How can I change the font family of pasted URLs in textedit in Mac


since a few weeks I have the problem that when I use textedit on Mac the font that I use in the document is different to the one that is used when I paste a link in it.

I use Helvetica in the document and then when I paste a link in it instead Times is being used and also 2 sizes smaller then the rest of the documents font size. Even when I paste it just behind a word that is Font size 14 and Helvetica its inserted in Times and size 12.

Thanks in advance, Atilla

Posted 2019-04-26T08:19:41.810

Reputation: 1



Edit Menu > Paste and Match Style - Cmd ⌘ Opt ⌥ Shift ⇧ V

This will match your existing style, inc font, size, colour, etc.


Posted 2019-04-26T08:19:41.810

Reputation: 22 456