Windows 10 (Pro) fails to connect to logged-in Console session with error #7069 "The target session is incompatible with the current session"


When I am logged in in a different RDP session, I am able to open Task Manager and in its Users section use "Connect" command in a context menu over any user that is there, except for Console (alive and logged in), which generates the error.

Obviously, I tried to use "/admin" parameter in command line attempts to take over the session, but it never works. In best case I get a different RDP session with the very same credentials (user name) as Console session, but I can never connect to it. (The Console user has administrative priveleges and it was added to Remote Desktop Users group, hence I am getting a fine RDP session with it, though not to reconnect to the same user in Console session.)

Of course, I am able to use shadow remote desktop option to work with that Console session from within a different session, but I want to be able to remotely connect to it directly in a proper RDP way which so far does not work as even within the same machine I am not able to "Connect" to Console.


Posted 2019-04-24T10:51:07.210

Reputation: 1

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