ffmpeg transcode HEVC to H.264 video and AAC audio always works in chrome but never in chromium


Here is my command

ffmpeg -i test.mkv -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -movflags +faststart test.mp4 -hide_banner

I've been trying to figure out the reason why higher profile H.264 media sometimes has problems in chromium and can't find an answer. As you can see, I set the moov atom to the front, so that is not the issue. What is chromium missing that chrome has?

Craig O'Connor

Posted 2019-04-24T08:00:41.877

Reputation: 1

1Chromium does not have an h264 decoder by default for legal reasons. – szatmary – 2019-04-24T11:59:17.120

For max compatibility across browsers encode a VP9 + Opus in Webm too. – llogan – 2019-04-24T17:30:10.220

@szatmary - so how does chromium decode baseline and normal H.264? Why is it only some high profile H.264 that don't work? Is it some specific change / version? I feel like if I know the reason I can transcode properly – Craig O'Connor – 2019-04-24T21:58:19.373

cisco open264 codec – szatmary – 2019-04-24T22:36:56.183

Great! THanks @szatmary – Craig O'Connor – 2019-04-24T23:44:21.107

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