Here is my command
ffmpeg -i test.mkv -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -movflags +faststart test.mp4 -hide_banner
I've been trying to figure out the reason why higher profile H.264 media sometimes has problems in chromium and can't find an answer. As you can see, I set the moov atom to the front, so that is not the issue. What is chromium missing that chrome has?
1Chromium does not have an h264 decoder by default for legal reasons. – szatmary – 2019-04-24T11:59:17.120
For max compatibility across browsers encode a VP9 + Opus in Webm too. – llogan – 2019-04-24T17:30:10.220
@szatmary - so how does chromium decode baseline and normal H.264? Why is it only some high profile H.264 that don't work? Is it some specific change / version? I feel like if I know the reason I can transcode properly – Craig O'Connor – 2019-04-24T21:58:19.373
cisco open264 codec – szatmary – 2019-04-24T22:36:56.183
Great! THanks @szatmary – Craig O'Connor – 2019-04-24T23:44:21.107