Best interface for learning MS Office "\backslash" sequences for equations?


Looking in File → Options → Proofing → Autocorrect Options → Math Autocorrect, one can see a large list of symbols, that are accessible by LaTeX-style \commandsequence input in the equation editor of modern Microsoft Office versions.

Such a long list, however, isn't particularly well suited for learning shortcuts, and the issue is aggrevated by it being a settings interface: It isn't possible to just export the list to create a "chear sheet".

LaTeX editors and related software (e.g. Texstudio, TexnixCenter, Lyx) usually provide a visual interface for inserting such structures, that display the hotkey or commandsequence in a tooltip, resulting in a "learn as you go" mindset, that teaches faster ways to achieve the wanted result, without having to interrupt the normal workflow.

I was wondering, if any such interface is hiding in Office somewhere.

Related: Unicode Nearly Plain-Text Encoding of Mathematics Version 3 (Murray Sargent, Microsoft)


Posted 2019-04-22T08:46:12.333

Reputation: 1 076

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