Windows Server 2012 R2 default resolution for remote connections


Couldn't find the accurate answer searching for a bit, so here it goes.

After getting the brand-new server up, there were 5 user accounts created for remote desktop usage. Now the problem is, for two of them the Server seems to assume default 1920x1080 resolution (resolution of device which was first to connect to the user, looks like), and for the other three it is 1366x768.

Now, when people started to use all of the remote accounts for work, the two accounts with 1920x1080 default resolution turn out to be blurry and hard to work with for people, who connect from devices with maximum resolution of 1366x768 (provided by company, so there's no changing that).

So, the question is if there is a way to change the default resolution for all of the users (or separately for every single on of them) server side?

The perfect solution is to lower the resolution enforced by server for those 2 users, so both the 1366 and 1960 users can work remotely on those user accounts.

Those 2 things I've already tried didn't help:

  • changing the maximum resolution to 1366x768 in local group policy

  • searching registry for XResolution and YResolution entries and changing 1920x1080 to 1366x768

The general feedback of the two users that connect to 1920 with 1366 maximum resolution devices beside the resolution incompatibility they reportedly also have some performance issues with accounting programs they use (no such issues on other 3 user accounts, might be unrelated though).

Any feedback is appreciated. Cheers!

Adam Marchewka

Posted 2019-04-17T12:01:58.530

Reputation: 1

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