OneNote equations - Bigger integrals and other hidden features


I can't find any useful official documentation for the many features (and bugs) of the OneNote equation editor invoked with Alt+= or with insert -> Math.

One thing I discovered "by accident" today is how to make integrals (and sums and other such symbols) larger:

normal input:



integer is fixed-size

It turns out that if I add "130" after \int, like so:



Integer grows to fit whole expression inside it

And finally, through experimentation, if I use 140 instead of 130 it puts the limits above and below the integral symbol, rather than as subscript and superscript:

enter image description here

My question is: What do 130 and 140 mean? What other options are there? Where do they come from?


Posted 2019-04-16T09:35:47.627

Reputation: 41

Worth noting in case this makes it into Google results: while writing this question I found this great unofficial reference/tutorial:

– NeatNit – 2019-04-16T09:50:21.930



I've discovered enough info via experimentation to answer my own question.

The number immediately following the integral (before the limits) - I call it the attribute - seems to be treated as a bit field.

The 3 least significant bits (values 0 to 7) seem to control whether the limits go above/below the integral or as subscript/superscript:

Values 1 make the limits go above and below the integral symbol.

Values 0, 2, 3 and 7 make the limits appear as subscript and superscript. This is also the default behavior.

Values 4 and 6 make above/below in OneNote for Windows 10 and OneNote 2016, but on the web version of OneNote they make sub/supertext.

Value 5 makes above/below on the web, but not in the apps.

The bit with significance of 128 enables the vertical auto-sizing that I was talking about. It only affects rendering in the apps, not in the web version.

All other bits don't seem to affect anything that I could see. Only 8 bits are saved, meaning 128 is the most significant bit, and the largest argument that could be used hypothetically is 255.


If you want the limits to go above and below the integral symbol, use \int1_a^b.

If you want the integral to resize automatically to match the contents, use \int128_a^b. The limits _a and ^b are optional.

If you want both, use \int129_a^b.


Posted 2019-04-16T09:35:47.627

Reputation: 41

I still need to check how this affects other big operators like \sum, \prod and the like, but I'm not sure if I will. – NeatNit – 2019-04-16T22:04:16.380