How to change the display of email accounts in Outlook 2016?


How can I change the display of email accounts in Outlook 2016 (Outlook 365)?

enter image description here

I have already gone into my account settings and changed Your Name and Account Name, thusly:

enter image description here

And yet on the main/home Outlook 365 window, it insists on showing my full email address for each configured email account, instead of a nickname or alias of my choosing. How can I change this?


Posted 2019-04-14T14:52:24.577

Reputation: 397

It's not difficult to see that half of the bits you have whited out are the same as your username .... – DavidPostill – 2019-04-14T18:42:44.390



I figured it out. You have to actually change the Data File name. Not intuitive at all, but that's how it is done. Go into Account Settings -> Data Files -> Setting... - change the NAME of the data file. Done.


Posted 2019-04-14T14:52:24.577

Reputation: 397


Yes. In addition to the reply above, I want to add this article for other users' reference:


Posted 2019-04-14T14:52:24.577

Reputation: 996