Jupyter Notebook won't launch "Cannot reach this page"


I am on windows 10. I installed Anaconda, but when I tried to launch Jupyter Notebook from the anaconda browser (or from the anaconda prompt), it opened a browser window saying it would redirect me to the jupyter environment. After waiting around 15 seconds, it says "Hmmm... cannot reach this page" and "Make sure that you’ve got the right web address: http://localhost:8888".

Searching for solutions on the internet, I tried to change the port in jupyter_notebook_config.py to 8887 instead of 8888, but I still have the same problem. I've tried uninstalling and installing jupyter but still the same problem. Any ideas ?


Posted 2019-04-12T14:45:58.667

Reputation: 1

Hello and welcome to SuperUser! There isn't enough detail in this question for it to be answerable. I'd recommend that you [edit] it to include the exact steps required to reproduce the problem. Your question will be better received if you also show some evidence of what you've already reasearched/tried to resolve the issue. See [ask]. – Mr Shunz – 2019-04-12T15:06:28.417

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